Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Born is the Bean of Sunset Hill

Yup, I'm typing this blog post while wearing a baby.

But, back to that in a second.

Yes, we did finish the parts of the house that we had hoped to before starting the whole parenthood thing. With lots of help from parents and friends, we were able to paint our new space, install floors, and move our bedroom and set up the nursery all with about 4 weeks to spare. 

hallway nursery space

new bedroom

first pieces of flooring installed


Now that we have that out of the way, on to more important things...

This little bean entered our world at 9:11am on Tuesday, September 18th. Noel Ivy Rose was 8 lbs, 1 ounce, and 20 inches long. She had a full head of dark hair, which momma was very happy about.  Noel and I were able to have an uncomplicated labor and delivery, thanks to the excellent support of our midwife, doula, and Will.

The last month has been a welcome crash course of Noel teaching us how to be parents. Obviously it's challenging (any parent who tells you otherwise is full of malarkey), but it's also something that's hard to put words to. It's worth it. 

So, here's what our last month with Noel has looked like...
Nana Rose in grandparent heaven.
Grammy O'Rourke...aka "Baby Whisperer"
Noel's first music lesson.

1st trip to the Farmer's Market.

Her and Dad's favorite book.

Family hike in Brown County State Park.

It's true that it takes a village to raise a child. I think we can attribute a positive first month of parenthood to all the help we've had from family, friends, care providers, and BABS.

Can't wait for what's in store...