Thursday, March 17, 2011

Excavation, Part I

Second project: Excavation, Part I

Well, I think we can say we're officially initiated into the full-of-surprises World of Home Remodeling.

Our first major project was excavation. Jeffro/Jethro (haven't quite figured out which one it is) and his boss Ollie (don't know his name either, but Jeffro/Jethro calls everyone, including his boss, by this name) dug a giant hole on the backside of our home over spring break. Here he is tearing up our back porch. Upon finishing he said "ur back purch's run!" (translation: your back porch is ruined!):

Although there were several surprises along the way, most of which are probably only interesting to us, the most notable was the discovery of an old, abandoned septic tank:

For any fans of Lost out there, you can only imagine our excitement during the first few seconds before realizing what this actually was.

We quickly determined that it wasn't our fate to go down the hatch, however, so Will called the folks we were pretty sure were meant to:

At the end of the week, we had a nice, big hole on which will eventually stand a mudroom and attic bedroom:

Between tearing down the back porch and digging a giant hole, I'd say it was a pretty productive spring break week.

Next up: Excavation, Part II

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